With the help of Corina, Alissa, Sebastian, Calum, Sophie, Abigail, Jake, Fin, Sam, Richi, Campbell, Theo, Andreas, Brooke, Sandy, Robyn, Andrea, Mika, Cristina & Matt, Codrin, we have now completed 500 origami hearts, 500 more to go…

Thank you for your love & kindness xo

Fill your heart with the energy of Love.

Unconditional Love is the best gift you can give anyone.

“The more you are motivated by love the more fearless and free your actions will be.”Dalai Lama

Follow the easiest path to empowerment and enlightenment.May the highest form of love, the nurturing kind of love,the purest love, touch everyone’s heart.

#origami #unconditionallove #hearts