Oh suffering child of mine….
Yes you who cries in pain…heart break…loneliness and desperation…
Yes you who can no longer carry the burden of this agonising ache of the illusion of separation…
Those tears are mine…
That fear is mine…
That agony is mine…
and always was…
There is only I…
For I am the Beloved and I hold you in this grief…
You live in me…
and I in you…
There is no separation…
There never was…
Open fully in to this Truth…and your heart will be eased…
The path you walk is my path…
The steps you take are my steps…
So as you walk into the dark abyss…the terrifying unknown… know that it is ‘I’ who walks within and as you…only I…
You were never alone…
Yes the sun will shine in your heart again…
Ever brighter…ever fuller…
Illuminating all lies.. hidden secrets and fears as they come to the surface one by one…
to be dissolved for ever…transmuted…alchemised in to the gold of eternal Being…
Safe always …Loved always…
Return home now in to the Heart of Being….
Musing offered by Melanie Barrett – image courtesy of Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
#truth #heartofbeing #heart #beloved
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